Snow and Santa

How the heck did this Southern girl end up in Chicago? Don’t get me wrong. I love this city, but I’m sitting by my window, trying to crank out a sermon, and my coffee has gone cold because the outside air is effecting the temperature inside. Oh well. At least the radiators are working.

Tomorrow I will don a Santa hat and beard (don’t tell the Advent Police) and run my first 5K in over a decade in the Santa Hustle. I’m really excited, a little nervous about my ability to finish, delighted that 4 of my friends are also running and terrified about the fact that there will be snow falling as I run by the lake in this Windy City.

I’ve been using the C25K (Couch to 5K) app on my iPhone. A better app has never been created. I love, love, love it. I’ve gone from being able to run for 2 minutes to being able to run 25 in less than 6 weeks. Amazing. I never thought I’d get there again.

It seems appropriate that it falls in Advent–a time of rebirth, of expectation, the new liturgical year, for those of us who do liturgical cycles. I asked my congregation last week (in my sermon) what they were waiting for, watching for, expecting. I’ve been sitting with the question myself–still no real answer. Maybe there doesn’t have to be something. I mean, it’s good, I suppose, just to learn to wait. Especially for me (I’m a terrible wait-er). In the mean time, there are sermons to write and recipes to make (mango black beans and rice is simmering on the stove. Moroccan chicken a little bit later!) and Presiding Bishops to dine with later tonight (just me and the rest of the clergy of the Diocese). 

At any rate, it’s good to be writing a bit. It’s good to have day off. And it’s good, ready or not, for Santa hats in the snow!